A government task force in the UK has recommended that all new government policies include an "obesity test" to determine how the policy will affect weight and obesity.
In the US, all new "economically significant" regulations already have to undergo a cost-benefit analysis. Wouldn't a good cost-benefit analysis already incorporate effects on weight if they have substantive health and thus economic impacts? Moreover, if you've ever read the federal cost-benefit analyses that are often conducted (as I have done), you'll see many of them are are based on some questionable methods or heroic assumptions. Are we to believe that new obesity-impacts analyses will be better and more informative than present cost-benefit analyses?
In any event, here are the rest of the group's recommendations (I'd like to see a cost-benefit analysis on each of them):
“Introduce licensing for fast food outlets to control the location and numbers of outlets in a local community.
Practical cookery skills and clear food education to be a compulsory part of the school curriculum for pupils up to the end of key stage 3 (age 14).
Clear disclosure of calories per items on restaurant and café menus which adhere to a defined standard for font size, formatting, contrast and layout of menus.
The ban on advertising of unhealthy foods aimed at children should be extended to day-time TV, from 7am to 9pm.
A review needs to be undertaken of the economic and societal impacts of a hypothecated tax on a range of food and drink contents at levels which are deemed harmful to health.
Increase awareness, coordination and reach of the Government’s ‘Healthy Start’ Voucher scheme. Extend voucher scheme to incentivise those who become active partners in their health by quitting smoking, reducing weight, walking a set number of steps etc.
Establish a cross departmental permanent government task force on obesity. This supports similar recommendations made by other health organisations.
All new policies to be reviewed and assessed against an ‘obesity test’.”