Thanks for reading my meandering thoughts on this blog. It's been a great year in 2015. There were about 150 posts over the past year. That's a little under three posts a week, and it's down about 30% from last year. The drop can be explained by two things: 1) I focused quite a bit on writing my new book, Unnaturally Delicious, out on March 22 2016, and 2) Twitter has emerged as a better spot for pithy comments or for forwarding short information.
The good news is that the posts on this site have received around 98,000 page views over the last year, which is up about 88% from 2014.
The top 15 most accessed posts this year have been:
1. Food Demand Survey (FooDS) - January 2015 (this issue contained the first results on consumer preferences for DNA labels; no other post was even close in terms of page views)
2. DNA labels
3. Why are Beef Prices so High? (originally posted in 2014)
4. Ted Talks and GMOs (originally posed in 2013)
5. The Organic Food Subsidy Myth (originally posted in 2012)
6. Organic vs. Conventional Crop Yields (originally posted in 2014)
7. How to Remove Gluten from Bread
8. How Will Avian Influenza (Bird Flu) Affect Egg and Turkey Prices?
9. Might Consumers Interpret Labels as A Warning Label? from (2014)
10. Who are the Vegetarians (from 2014)
11. Taleb on GMOs
12. Is the Growth in Agricultural Productivity Slowing?
13. Do People Really Want to Express and Opinion on GMO Labeling?
15. Why Are Beef and Pork Prices so High? (from 2014)