
Malthusian Inversion

I’ve noticed several articles in the past few weeks talking about slowing or even falling population growth. This article in the Economist discussed the fact that South Korea’s fertility rate is now below replacement level (i.e., fewer babies are being born than there are parents), and their figure shows the strong negative correlation between income (or GDP) of a country and a country’s fertility rate. The richer we get, it seems the fewer babies we want or need. Then, came this opinion article in the New York Times a couple days ago about the “Chinese Population Crisis,” in which Ross Douthat argues, “Unlike most developed countries, China is growing old without first having grown rich.”

We’ve all probably been adequately exposed to the concerns and problems associated with over-population from the writings of Malthus to Ehrlich’s Population Bomb. Less well appreciated are the benefits and costs associated with a falling population. For one take on the potential concerns, see this 2013 piece by Kevin Kelly entitled the “Underpopulation Bomb.” He states the problem as follows:

This is a world where every year there is a smaller audience than the year before, a smaller market for your goods or services, fewer workers to choose from, and a ballooning elder population that must be cared for. We’ve never seen this in modern times; our progress has always paralleled rising populations, bigger audiences, larger markets and bigger pools of workers. It’s hard to see how a declining yet aging population functions as an engine for increasing the standard of living every year.

A smaller population would no doubt produce some benefits. Probably the most obvious benefit is that a smaller population would lessen human’s demands on our environment and natural resources. There is already evidence of this de-materialization. Check out Andrew McAfee’s book More from Less, where he argues that technology has led us past peak demand for many natural resources.

Among the adverse consequences, however, of falling population is likely to be downward pressure on farm incomes. The Malthusian concern implied a large population that was incapable of sufficiently feeding itself. For humanity writ large, this outcome would have been a tragedy. Farmers (or at least land owners), however, would have likely benefited from this dire outcome. More people demanding more food would have driven up food prices, land prices, and farm income. Innovation and productivity growth, fortunately, prevented the hunger problems that would have accompanied a rising population.

One crude way to see whether population growth is out-pacing the effect of innovation is to look at the long-term trend in food and agricultural prices. Here is a graph I created based on USDA data on three major commodity crop prices over time. The long-term trend is negative, suggesting innovation has outpaced the effects of population and income growth.


Lower prices seems bad for farmers, but if they are able to sell more output using fewer resources, they also benefit (see this paper by Alston for some discussion on the farmer benefits and costs from innovation). Still, it is probably safe to say that farmers and the agricultural sector have largely come to expect a rising world population to support demand growth and offset some of the downward pressure on prices. Population projections suggest that expectation may not hold out into the future.

Indeed, research by my Purdue colleagues Uris Baldos and Tom Hertel suggests the effects of population on crop prices is likely to be much lower than what we’ve experienced in the past. They consider the effect of three factors on crop prices and production: population, income, and innovation. From 1960 to 2006, their findings indicate that the effect of innovation pushed down crop prices more than rising income and population pushed up prices, leading to an overall fall in prices, consistent with the graph above. What do they predict for the future based on expected trends in innovation, population, and income? Falling prices. They predict that, going out to 2050, the price increasing effects of population will be about half what they were from 1960 to 2006. Thus, rather than the Malthusian population bomb, we seem to be heading to a sort of Malthusian inversion.

It’s also important to note that population growth will be unevenly distributed across the world. Data and projections from the United Nations show very different anticipated population trends in low-, middle-, and high-income countries. Here is a figure I created based on their data. In 1950, population was 45%, 70%, and 82% lower than it is today in high-, middle-, and low-income countries. By 2010, the UN is projecting population will be 3%, 23%, and 220% higher in high-, middle-, and low-income countries.


The implications for U.S. farmers are many fold. For one, demand growth (at least from population growth) is likely to occur outside this country, highlighting the importance of trade. Within the U.S., rising income, and demand for quality, may play an increasingly important role in supporting farm incomes in the years to come. Finally, flat or declining population, along with innovation, have the potential to have positive environmental outcomes, and it will important to think about appropriate farm policy in light of these trends.

Migration, Agriculture, and Local Food

I recently listened to an episode of a Radiolab podcast entitled There and Back Again. The episode is about the history of science related to the migratory patterns of birds and other animals. It seems our forebearers had some far-fetched answers to the question “where do the animals go in the winter?” Some folks apparently thought birds transformed into other species or even flew to the moon to escape winter. The episode also delves into the modern day science of tracking animal migratory patterns using sensors and satellites. It’s amazing how many thousands of miles animals, birds, fish, and insects travel on an annual basis; there are even some birds that fly annually from the north to south pole.

All this got me thinking about our modern-day discussions about food and agriculture. A popular notion today is that we should eat what is local and eat what is in season, and there is a notion that eating in this manner is more natural, perhaps closer to the “good old days” when our ancestors weren’t plagued by the modern conveniences of hyper processed food.

It is interesting to contrast this local, seasonal view of what is presumably natural for humans, with what is actually quite natural for birds and many other animals who expend great effort to avoid eating seasonally. In our modern world, we have figured out how to specialize food production in areas with comparative advantages (e.g., veggies in California, citrus in Florida, cherries in Michigan, corn and soy in Indiana) and then move the food to the people by boat, rail, and truck. That is, we’ve learned to migrate food to people rather than the old “natural” way of migrating people to the food. Indeed, before humans discovered agriculture, we spent our time following our food while it migrated across the landscape. For example, some native American tribes seasonally followed the bison across the Great Plains. Eating locally and seasonally is decidedly not natural.

Now, I’ve argued that whether something is “natural” has no moral bearing per se, but this episode helps draw out some of the apparent contradictions in our beliefs about naturalness and historical reality. By the way, I’m looking forward to reading Alan Levinovitz’s forthcoming book entitled Natural: How Faith in Nature’s Goodness Leads to Harmful Fads, Unjust Laws, and Flawed Science.

Looking for a Faculty Position? Agricultural Economics vs Economics

‘Tis the season for economics job hunters.  The annual ASSA meetings kick off tomorrow, brining together, for a few days, what is probably the largest collection of economists in the world (scary, I know!).  The meeting also marks the start of the job market for academic economists.  For a variety reasons, agricultural economics departments have increasingly moved hiring to coordinate with the ASSA meetings, and agricultural economics departments appear to be more apt these days to hire new faculty from general economics programs.

There is ample advice for prospective job market candidates online (this paper by John Cawley is among the best), and I won’t attempt to add to it here.  Rather, the purpose of this post is to provide a bit of perspective for job market candidates from traditional economics departments who may be considering jobs in agricultural economics. 

There are two main factors that create different incentives for faculty in agricultural economics departments compared to faculty (often just down the hall) in general economics programs. 

The first is funding.  The existence of separate agricultural economics departments stems from federal and state monies specifically allocated for agricultural research and education.  Unlike general economics departments, where revenues to the department primarily flow from general university revenues, agricultural economics departments have federal dollars for research (these are often referred to as “Hatch” or “experiment station” funds”) and extension or outreach activities (these are often referred to as “Smith-Lever” or “extension service” funds), which are then matched with funds from the state government where the university resides.  This is what people are referring to when they talk about “Land Grant” universities – the dedicated, funded, missions not just for teaching, but for applied research and outreach and extension. 

The second differentiating factor is the promotion process.  Typically, faculty seeking tenure and promotion in an agricultural economics department must ultimately be evaluated by a committee made up of faculty and administrators in a college of agriculture or natural resources.  This can be contrasted with assistant professors in general economics programs who go on to be evaluated by other faculty in colleges of business or colleges of arts and science.  This distinction implies that faculty in agricultural economics departments, when going up for promotion, are more likely to be evaluated by “bench” scientists running labs.

These two combined factors go on to create different outcomes and incentives for faculty in agricultural economics departments than in general economics departments.  Here are a few that come to mind:

  • In general, faculty in agricultural economics departments teach less than in general economics department.  The reason is straightforward: agricultural economics faculty are literally paid to spend their time doing other things (research or outreach). 

  • The expectations to bring in grants is higher in agricultural economics departments than in general economics departments.  This differential incentive stems from the aforementioned evaluation by “bench” scientists at the college level but also from greater availability of funding for agricultural research, the differential incentives to focus on applied problems, and the closer connection to companies, farm groups, and NGOs in the agricultural sector that fund research. 

  • In the “quality”-quantity tradeoff, agricultural economists will normally face greater incentives to generate “quantity” than will a faculty member in a general economics department.  The reasons are multi-faceted including the need to show productivity and returns on grant dollars, the greater interest from immediate stakeholders (think farmers, policy makers, agribusinesses) in applied research results, and the evaluation by “bench” scientists who tend to have many more publications.  By the way, this incentive shows up in salary differentials (see this paper by Gibson and Burton-McKenzie showing salaries in agricultural economics departments are positively related to the quantity of journal articles, but numbers of papers (after adjusting for “quality”) have no independent effect in general economics departments; see also my co-authored paper with Tia and Mike Hilmer comparing salary structures between econ and ag econ programs).

  • In the previous bullet “quality” is in scare quotes because in general economics programs “quality” often means only one thing: publication in one of the so-called top five journals.  I won’t get into the tyranny of the top five, except to say that quality has a broader definition in many agricultural economics departments.  Part of the reason is that an agricultural economist often has a broader audience for their work, including non-economists, policy makers, farmers, agribusinesses, etc.  Sometimes this results in greater impact.  For example, general interest science journals, and interdisciplinary science journals, often have much higher impact factors than do the “top five” economics journals, and this is considered differently in agricultural economics departments that, on the margin, are more focused on applied results with real-world impact (at least in our narrower domain).

  • In agricultural economists, it is relatively more common to have journal articles with many co-authors, and to include graduate students in publications, than is the case in among general economists.  Again, this partially stems from the closer connection to “bench” scientists, who include everyone in the lab who worked on the project on the publication.  Another incentive at play is that agricultural economists are more likely to work on multidisciplinary problems with ecologists, animal scientists, agronomists, etc. who bring different expertise to problems, resulting in papers with more co-authors. 

  • In agricultural economics departments, there is often greater incentive to focus on more local issues relevant to the region and state where the university resides.  Federal monies must be matched with state dollars, and the political support for providing the state dollars indirectly relates to the willingness of faculty to work on issues deemed relevant to local stakeholders.

  • The extension mission in agricultural economics departments can often be among the most mystifying difference to students coming out of general economics departments, which typically have no such explicit mission.  One way to think about it is that faculty with extension appointments have class as well, it’s just that their students are farmers, local government officials, agribusiness managers, etc. and agricultural economists reach these “students” in non-traditional ways by going out to their meetings or writing newsletters or doing podcasts or media interviews. Another potential way to think about extension or outreach work is the model of economist as consultant, where the goal isn’t to publish an academic paper, but to take the academic knowledge and convert it into decision aids, tools, white papers, etc. that improve managerial and policy decision making.

I hope these few thoughts help add some clarity for folks from general economics programs who may be considering employment in an agricultural economic department.  Agricultural economics departments are a great place to work, where there are tangible rewards to working on real-world issues affecting a sector of our economy that touches every living person through our dinner plates.   Good luck with the job hunt!   

2019 in Review

Happy New Year!

In keeping with tradition, I thought I’d review a few highlights from last year, 2019.

2019 marked the first year in almost a decade when I didn’t have significant service responsibilities with the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA). Nonetheless, time seemed to fill up with new responsibilities. Last year, I served on advisory boards or committees for organizations such as U.S. Department of Agriculture; Manna Partners; Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST); National Pork Board; Noble Research Institute; and Veylinx, among others. I gave a large number of outreach presentations and talks, with the most noteworthy being testimony to the U.S. Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry on issues facing the livestock and poultry sectors.

Last year was another productive research year. I’ll have authored or co-authored 20 peer-reviewed journal articles with a 2019 publication date, including articles in Economic Inquiry, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, and Food Policy, among others. Some highlights include a new review article on experimental auctions in the European Review of Agricultural Economics with Canavari, Drichoutis, and Nayga, a sole-authored piece in Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization on rationality, food choice, and income, and a paper exploring how people discount the future for decisions that involve their own outcomes vs. outcomes affecting others in the Journal of Risk and Uncertainty with Rong, Grijalva, and Shaw. I’ve got a couple grants and planned research on neuro-economics and consumer acceptance of gene editing (with Vincenzina Caputo and Marco Palma) and effects of changing cattle size and composition on consumer demand for beef (with Josh Maples, Glynn Tonsor, and Derrell Peel).

It’s also been a busy year in the Department of Agricultural Economics at Purdue. We were saddened at the untimely passing of one of our colleagues, Wally Tyner, and we celebrated the retirements of Otto Doering and Micheal Wetzstein. We were fortunate to hire two new endowed chair faculty members and begin searches for a couple new positions. The Department is celebrating it’s 100th year anniversary, and it’s been fun to reminisce about the past and strategically plan for the future (alumni, be on the lookout in the near future for a special issue of our annual print edition of Keeping Track).

Here on the website, there more than 106,000 pageviews in 2019, and there were 34 new posts. The number of page views is up significantly from the past couple years, but I fell below my goal of one post per week. Pressing administrative duties have eaten into time for blogging, but I’ll renew my goal for 2020 - about one post a week.

The most popular posts from last year were

Hope you have a great 2020!

Food Price Inflation is on the Rise Globally but Steady at Home

That’s the title of my short contribution to the 2020 Outlook Issue of the Purdue Ag Econ Report. The whole thing is below.

After a steady decline in global food prices throughout most of 2017 and 2018, this summer in 2019, prices began to rise. In October 2019, the last date data are available, global food prices rose 6% relative to the same month a year earlier. It has been more than two years since prices rose at this pace. The recent global food price spike is primarily caused by rising meat prices, which have increased more than 10% in each of the last two moths relative to the same months in 2018. Reductions to the supply of pork in China, due to African Swine Fever, have played a major rule in contributing to the upswing in global food prices. Reports of rising prices of onions in India and supply disruptions in Turkey and Nigeria are additional contributors. Still, the 6% year-over-year monthly increase in global food prices is modest in historical terms. From March 2007 to March 2008, global food prices rose 58%, and after falling more than 30%, rose again by almost 40% in mid-2011.

In the United States, retail food price inflation has remained modest over the past year. From October 2018 to October 2019, prices of food away from home increased 3.3% and prices for food bought for at home consumption increased only about 1%. The USDA Economic Research Service is projecting an overall annual inflation rate for food consumed away from home of between 2% and 3% for both 2019 and 2020. More modest annual inflation of 0.5% to 1.5% is projected for food bought in grocery outlets for at home consumption. These figures are low in historical terms, but are slightly higher than the annual retail food inflation experienced over the past three to four years. Annual inflation rates for food away from home were 2.9%, 2.6%, and 2.3% and for food at home were -1.3%, -0.2% and 0.4% in 2016, 2017, and 2018, respectively. Helped by lower commodity prices, food at home prices have risen at a rate slower than overall non-food price inflation, which averaged about 2.1% per year from 2016-18.

Year-over-Year Percent Change in Global Food Prices (source: United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization)

Year-over-Year Percent Change in Global Food Prices (source: United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization)