That's the title of a special issue I helped edit with John Crespi and Amanda Bruce in the latest issue of the Journal of Food and Agricultural Industrial Organization.
Here's an excerpt from our summary:
“To economists interested in food decisions, progress seen in other fields ought to be exciting. In the articles for this special issue, we gathered information from a wide range of research related to food decisions from behavioral economics, psychology, and neuroscience. The articles, we hope, will provide a useful reference to researchers examining these techniques for the first time…The variety of papers in this special issue of JAFIO should provide readers with a broad introduction to newer methodological approaches to understanding food choices and human decision-making”
A complete listing of the authors and papers are below (all of which can be accessed here)
• The Behavioral and Neuroeconomics of Food and Brand Decisions: Executive Summary
o Bruce, Amanda / Crespi, John / Lusk, Jayson
• Cognitive Neuroscience Perspectives on Food Decision-Making: A Brief Introduction
o Lepping, Rebecca J. / Papa, Vlad B. / Martin, Laura E.
• Marketing Placebo Effects – From Behavioral Effects to Behavior Change?
o Enax, Laura / Weber, Bernd
• The Role of Knowledge in Choice, Valuation, and Outcomes for Multi-Attribute Goods
o Gustafson, Christopher R.
• Brands and Food-Related Decision Making in the Laboratory: How Does Food Branding Affect Acute Consumer Choice, Preference, and Intake Behaviours? A Systematic Review of Recent Experimental Findings
o Boyland, Emma J. / Christiansen, Paul
• Modeling Eye Movements and Response Times in Consumer Choice
o Krajbich, Ian / Smith, Stephanie M.
• Visual Attention and Choice: A Behavioral Economics Perspective on Food Decisions
o Grebitus, Carola / Roosen, Jutta / Seitz, Carolin Claudia
• Towards Alternative Ways to Measure Attitudes Related to Consumption: Introducing Startle Reflex Modulation
o Koller, Monika / Walla, Peter
• I Can’t Wait: Methods for Measuring and Moderating Individual Differences in Impulsive Choice
o Peterson, Jennifer R. / Hill, Catherine C. / Marshall, Andrew T. / Stuebing, Sarah L. / Kirkpatrick, Kimberly
• A Cup Today or a Pot Later: On the Discounting of Delayed Caffeinated Beverages
o Jarmolowicz, David P. / Lemley, Shea M. / Cruse, Dylan / Sofis, Michael J.
• Are Consumers as Constrained as Hens are Confined? Brain Activations and Behavioral Choices after Informational Influence
o Francisco, Alex J. / Bruce, Amanda S. / Crespi, John M. / Lusk, Jayson L. / McFadden, Brandon / Bruce, Jared M. / Aupperle, Robin L. / Lim, Seung-Lark