
Resetting the Table: Straight Talk About the Food We Grow and Eat

That’s the tile of Robert Paarlberg’s latest book, set to be released on February 2. I talked to Rob a bit about the project a couple years ago when he was in Indiana interviewing a few farmers for background research. I should note Rob is a West Lafayette native, and his father Don Paarlberg was a faculty member in the Agricultural Economics Department at Purdue, in addition to serving in a variety of government roles including Assistant Secretary of Agriculture under Eisenhower.

Here is my “blurb” for Resetting the Table.

“In Resetting the Table, Robert Paarlberg fact checks the most central myths of the modern food movement. Paarlberg’s firm grasp on the realities of modern agriculture lend credence to his insights on how we might take meaningful steps toward solving our dietary and environmental ills. He argues that food policy, rather than farm policy, should serve as the focal point of action. In doing so, he offers valuable straight talk to commercial farmers and highlights the critical importance of continued innovation and entrepreneurship in agricultural production. This is a must read book for anyone interested in understanding where their food comes from and the policies that affect how we eat

You might also check out a review of the book in the Wall Street Journal, where Paarlberg’s book is reviewed alongside Mark Bittman’s predictably polemical new release entitled Animal, Vegetable, Junk.