That’s the title of a new working paper I’ve co-authored with Purdue PhD student, Xiaoyang He. The answer to the question is: “yes,” retail bacon prices and sales fell following the pronouncement that processed meat was classified as a carcinogen; however, we did not find the same for other processed meat categories, ham and sausage. Maybe all those headlines like “The great bacon freak-out” and “Eating just one slice of bacon a day linked to higher risk…” really served to focus people’s attention. Here is the abstract:
That bacon prices fell alongside the volume sold is a clear signal that consumer demand for bacon fell as a result of the IARC report.
As we discuss in the paper, a key challenge with identifying the effects of the IARC report rests in constructing a counter-factual prediction of what would have happened to prices and sales of processed meat products had the IARC report not been released. We cannot use data from an unaffected location because the media reports were widely distributed across the U.S. Instead, we use statistical methods (the so-called synthetic control method) to identify alternative food products as controls. We describe the approach as follows:
In essence we use the the estimated relationship among dozens of possible grocery item prices and bacon prices prior to IARC report release to predict what bacon prices would have been had the report release not occurred. Here is the calculation of actual and counter-factual bacon prices ($/oz) before and after the report release:
After a few weeks of bacon prices remaining above their predicted values, bacon prices ultimately averaged 6.5% lower than what we predict would have occurred had the IARC report not been released.
You can read the whole thing here.